Jen Selk


Sentinel fragments

FRAGMENTS | Are you seeing this? With my thumbs, in the dark, I wrote a first draft of this essay (if it is an essay?) in January, soon after the COVID-19 death toll in the United States crossed  ...

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The buried, alive

MUSINGS | Another month gone and I’m still buried in it. I have been trying to write more like I talk, or rather, more like the way I talked before parenthood and perpetual exhaustion  ...

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Go deep

MUSINGS | It’s the end of the year as we know it. I’ve been trying to write about depth — a sort of metaphorical piece (you know I love those) about being in the deep, in the dark places.  ...

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PERSONAL ESSAY | In mid-September, I got a sunburn. My first. My skin — a majority of my skin, the largest of all my organs — reddened and tightened, and the inside of my clothing rasped against  ...

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Melusine and the sea

STORY | Melusine and The Sea (a wee tale for wee people by Jen Selk) Melusine lived in a little place, overlooking an enormous sea. And she didn’t like it. She was afraid of the water. She  ...

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