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Credits worth watching

FILM | Movie credit sequences worth watching: the good, the bad, the funny.

Contrary to what you may think, the credits really are part of the movie. I like to stick it out at the movies and watch to the bitter end, and I’m often rewarded with the little cookies and jokes that others miss.

Here, we list some notable end credit sequences from movies. These are the credit sequences you’d likely remember (if you hadn’t been so busy making a speed-run for the toilets).

Just one more reason to avoid ordering the Big Gulp, I guess.

10 Things I Hate About You, 1999

Letters to Cleo performing I Want You to Want Me on the school’s rooftop.

Rumble in the Bronx, 1995

Not only does Jackie Chan break his leg, you get a look at the crazy cast he wore for the rest of the film (complete with a painted on shoe.)

Empty movie theatre seats illustrate a story about Movie credit sequences worth watching

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

Bring it On, 2000

The entire cast does a lip sync to B*Witched’s Mickey (as in, “Hey Mickey, you’re so fine! You’re so fine you blow my mind!”)

Ferris Buller’s Day Off, 1986

Ohhhhh yeah. Mr. Rooney and the gummy bear girl on the school bus. Plus, Ferris reminds us to go home. Classic.

A Bug’s Life, 1998

Disney’s first attempt at adding a manufactured blooper reel to the end of an animated film.

Shrek and Shrek 2, 2001 and 2004

Even if you don’t like Smash Mouth (and really, who does?) there’s lots worth staying for.

Wildcats, 1986

A goofy old sports movie whose credits feature Goldie Hawn and the cast performing a football rap.

Charlie’s Angels, 2000

Super-short outtakes set to Blink 182’s All the Small Things.

A version of “Incredible credits” was published in the print version of Dose magazine, April 18, 2005 and is shown below. Other film and television pieces are here.

Article clipping by Jen Selk for Dose on movie credit sequences worth watching

Published in Dose, April 18, 2005.