Gatekeeper, gatekeeper, gatekeeper
BURN OUT LOOMS | Trying to blog when you’re already overworked is good fun, but hey. Check out the Vancouver Folk Festival?
All that talk about not wanting to blog and I’m back already. Considering how much I’m forced to write on a daily basis you’d think I wouldn’t want to spew out any more, but being able to write exactly what comes out of your head, instead of working it into some sort of cohesive whole, is surprisingly refreshing.
Was at the Vancouver Folk Festival last night to interview up-and-comer Leslie Feist, which was interesting, but not particularly fun. Despite what everyone seems to think, being a reporter is rarely fun.
Don’t get me wrong, Feist and her bandmates were cool, but most musicians acquiesce to interviews because they have to, not because they’re keen on it, and they tend to be suspicious. Worried about the power of the poison pen, I guess.
Realizing that you’re being lumped in with all the bitter vipers of the media world is kind of depressing. I mean, even if I am a corporate sell out who can only boast about writing about other people who are artistic instead of being artistic myself, I’m still nice, right?
All folked out,
P.S. Got my Harry Potter already, so there are perks to this job. [Read my predictions piece about Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince here.]
2018: In addition to the interview with Feist, which published as a longer piece later in the summer of 2005, I wrote up a quick “go here” event preview for the folk fest, shown below.

Published in Dose, July 16, 2005.