Where is the love?
Let’s pretend the last month has been an experiment. As far as experiments go, it was pretty darn successful. The downside of that is that I now officially know what I knew already: this site is pretty pointless. Almost nobody reads it. Then again, since nobody reads it, I guess it doesn’t really matter that I haven’t updated it in over a month, right?
Anyhoo, I’ve posted a shit load of new content (I think every page has got something new on it) so there’s plenty to look at. Having let it slide for so long was a bit of a problem. Getting all this stuff added took a mad-crazy amount of time. The fact that I took it shows how self indulgent and full of myself I am, I guess.
Oh, and there’s some news: the site’s been listed on yahoo, which would be great except for the fact that nobody really uses yahoo anymore. I mean, nobody “yahoos” someone, do they? It’s all about Google. Sigh. And Google just isn’t showing me the love.
In other news, a lot has happened this month, though not much that I really want to talk about in a blog. Mostly because it’s boring, so don’t read anything into that.
Darrell’s headed off for a weekend-long bachelor party on a houseboat today, which sounds bad, but isn’t really. Then he’s going to Ottawa for work on Sunday night, so I’ll be all alone, all weekend and then some. I fully intend to capitalize on this by watching lots of HGTV and chick flicks while eating Chunky Monkey ice cream and admiring my stubbly legs. Boys suck!
Then, of course, there’s the Thanksgiving trip to think about. October is going to be all about travel.
Go stubble, go!

Screen grab of my front-page site design circa 2009.
P.S. 2018-05-22: My original website was populated not only by this blog, but with PDFs of my most-recently-published “professional” articles. As I update this new site, I intend to republish many of those old articles. In the meantime, these old screen grabs gives you a sense of what the first incarnation of my site looked like. I kept it that way for four or five years. My subtitle was “never read anything bigger than your head” – a play on a bit of joke advice my dad was fond of (“never EAT anything bigger than your head”). I had an animated cursor thing happening for a long time. No one ever told me how annoying it was. (It was SO annoying.)

Screen grab of an interior page, circa 2005.