Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine
Well, colour me surprised. Whereas most of my blog entries go relatively unnoticed (and certainly un-commented on), yesterday’s ridiculous rant caused an absolute avalanche of commentary. I’ve never had so many people throw in their two cents. That’s what you get for being confessional I guess. Then you stick your head in the oven.
My favourite comments so far come from Craig, who sweetly and supportively told me not to worry if the Internet makes it seem like people are getting ahead of me.
“People on the Internet can be full of crap,” he said. “Learn Oprah’s A Million Little Pieces lesson … writers lie (but not you).”
I love him right now.
You know, I’m in a very Tegan and Sara mood today (thanks for the title, ladies). I also considered using “yes this is my life, and yes you should care”, or “who I am has benefited from all my cleverly planned meals”, but neither seemed quite right. Music matters. That thought brings me to mind another thing Craig wrote me this morning:
He said, “but if you live your life like Nick Hornby/High Fidelity, at least you’ll have a pretty good soundtrack.”
Which is true. But if it’s really soundtracks that matter, we should probably all be living our lives to the tune of the gospel according to The OC. Now, I like punching people as much as the next guy, but I also believe wholeheartedly in eyebrow grooming. (Peter Gallagher, this means you.)