S2020 ORC – The Pink Bathroom goes green, Week 4
DECORATING | The Spring 2020 One Room Challenge (ORC). Talking paint. Paint and pink tile. Paint and panic. Green walls. Magic moments.

This is the poll image I initially posted to IG.
Can we talk about paint for a minute? Can we talk about how I really didn’t know what I wanted to do with the paint in this dang bathroom, and about how most of you people were NO HELP AT ALL?
I posted more than one poll about this on my Instagram. Green, or white? The results came back 50/50. TWICE.
And then I emotionally committed to white because you guys are useless. Goodbye green walls.
I started painting the room white, then I stopped. One of my IG friends suggested pink. Just go all out with pink. That gave me pause, too.
I’ll tell you the truth: What I really wanted was wallpaper.
I want a densely patterned, dramatic wallpaper. I have a whole file of wallpapers and paper murals and removable vinyls that I covet. I even showed one in my “moodboard” for this project. (It’s Drop It MODERN Raceway Removable Wallpaper and it is very expensive.) But I just mention it here as an example of something that COULD be cool, but that I’m nonetheless not actually going to do.
See, my ceiling fan is a 1950s original, and it only works some of the time, and I am just not ready to invest in wallpaper that is likely going to be ruined/peeling in five minutes. And I don’t have the spoons to deal with replacing the fan right now. And paint is something I have on hand and that doesn’t require me to go to the store.
I am still being a good citizen of the pandemic, btw.
I know some things have reopened. I do not think that’s a wise choice. Like, you do you, Boo, and I have ranted about this enough lately, but with 100K people in this country dead already… I just. Enjoy your bbq and your thrifting and your haircut while the bodies pile up, I guess.)
BUT ANYWAY. Plain white just seemed boring.
I had so many ideas, y’all. I did a deep dive into POSCA paint pens. Maybe a freehand mural, I thought. No. A SHARPIE MURAL? More stripes to echo the ones I did in the entry? SOMETHING FUN!? Anything!? I started playing around with my phone and my finger to test out potential paint treatments and colours, entirely based on what I knew I had lying around.
Let’s take a look at a bit o’ that, eh?

Very professional.

Rendering with my finger like a BOSS.
98.6% sure this is exactly how the professionals do it.
Anyway, as you can see, my feelings on this whole bathroom paint situation were a little all over the place.
A few days ago I decided to just jump in and paint it. Green walls, baby. Not boring.
Stop overthinking. Done. Decision made. Started. Aaaaand… hated it. TOO DARK. The green that I loved in my living room (you can see it in last week’s post) looked totally different in the bathroom. Rookie mistake. But in for a penny in for a pound!
My janky ass solution was to add a couple ladlefuls of white paint to my existing half-can of green. The white was matte. The green was satin. Different brands. No measuring. Again, this is how the fancy designers do it, I’m sure. Custom-colour activate!
The bathroom is now green. Very very green. Green walls. Green hearts. Can’t lose.
(The tiles are still pink, don’t panic.) It is what it is. Plenty of you have expressed disdain for this choice, and I guess I asked your your opinion in a IG poll, so I brought it on myself, but just as a little tip: Rude. Some of you are very rude.
As ever, thanks to Linda Weinstein (creator of the One Room Challenge) and Better Homes and Gardens (official sponsor of the ORC). They probably LIKE the green. Because unlike half of you, they have good taste and aren’t boring. And even if they hate it, I doubt they’d say so. Because they don’t know I exist.
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