F2020 ORC – Golden, but no showers
DIY UPCYCLING | And pondering if gold makes everything better … or not?

So here we are on week two! I have done almost nothing since week one except ponder the question of if gold makes everything better. Have you been watching my stories on IG? If so, you probably still don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m just trying to use my keyphrase, honestly. This blogging thing is stupid.
What was I saying? Oh yeah. I’ve done nothing.
Actually, that’s not true. I have done one thing, and it was not an insignificant thing, but because of the constraints related to being a nano participant doing a nano project with a nano budget (and yes, I’m gonna beat this nano joke to death, so buckle up), I have to be really careful about what I show you week to week, lest I give it all away too soon.
Anyway, see that header photo? That’s a feature wall project I did in my Vancouver apartment circa 2004.
I bought a can of blue paint from the mis-tints/return bin at the paint store, and just went to town one day. AND THEN, it didn’t feel cool enough, so I got some painter’s tape, and craft paint in gold, and made those little squares. I did it completely on the fly. Didn’t plan anything out, didn’t measure anything. Truly had no idea what I was doing. Just went for it. And the thing that that project taught me was this:
Gold makes everything better.

I mean, that may or may not be true. Who even cares? I’m just saying it because it’s the kind of thing that sounds right for a blog, and anyway, it’s the philosophy I’m adopting for this yellow bathroom project.
In case you haven’t figured it out, the project I did this week was all about gold.
I made over this cheap-o cabinet table thingy that I grabbed at the thrift store for $7 (pre-pandemic). I’d planned to spray paint it, but … Ugh. For that I’d have to go outside and stuff. Not into it. So I did something else. Something I can’t show you yet.
The table is cheap as hell. It probably was overpriced at $7.
Not real wood. And dinged up and ugly. But I liked that chinoiserie detail on the front, which is real metal, and the cupboard is actually pretty handy when you consider that the yellow bathroom has no storage at all beyond the 1950s medicine cabinet.

What do you think? Did I succeed at making this thing beautiful (or at least workable) using my proven and patented “gold makes everything better” philosophy?
We’ll see, nerds. We shall see.
Rub ‘n Buff was involved. In case that wasn’t clear.
Hey, want to see more super amazing decor-themed content with stupid captions and lame stories? FOLLOW the Will & Bequeath Instagram account!
Thanks to Linda Weinstein (creator of the One Room Challenge) and @betterhomesandgardens (official sponsor of the ORC) for being gods upon high, powers that be, sages atop the mountain. (That’s what they are, right?)
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