PLAY | Drinking games belong to the golden age of sport. They’re social, they require endurance, and best of all, they’re not about winning or losing, largely because everybody gets too ...
TELEVISION | Is fantasy TV dead? This is all Mark Burnett’s fault. Not so long ago, you couldn’t channel surf at primetime without seeing a big-headed alien or wrinkly-nosed vampire go by. Then ...
ENVIRONMENT | Is there more poo in Canada than anywhere else in the world? Possibly. Look, Canada is a pretty great place to live. It’s relatively affluent, statistically healthy, and ...
BOOKS | Stories from the Vinyl Café, 10th anniversary edition | PENGUIN Canada, 2005 Stuart McLean may look like a boring old dude from the CBC, but his writing is actually funny. Don’t believe ...
BOOKS | Sometimes knowing what not to read is as important as knowing what you should. Particularly since the bestseller list can be deceiving. So what to read? Well, I write about books and ...
HOW TO | Get your lazy on. It’s just not right. Instead of spending our weekends doing as the good lord intended (you know, watching TV, playing video games, eating vast amounts of cheese), these ...
MUSIC TRENDS | Music consumerism and Starbucks. It’s a whole new world. All of a sudden Starbucks is to music like Oprah is to books. The coffee giant is brewing up more than Mocha Javas, ...
TRAVEL | Budget travel tips for Canadians who can’t go far from home, but really need to get that big vacation feeling for less. I need a vacation. A holiday. A week on a secluded beach ...
WRITING for Dose | 2018: So as mentioned in previous posts, I was recruited internally from the Vancouver Sun to work at Dose in late 2004. The job started in early 2005. Basically, while I was ...
WRITING | Or, how to grow your writing career? Lol. Grow your writing career? Sure. Just work for free for a year or more. Just kidding. Please don’t do that! Don’t do any of this. ...
CULTURE | Green gift guide. Our favourite things: Vancouver Sun holiday season green gift guide. ETHICAL GIFTS | Wondering how to reconcile the true meaning of the holidays with the urge for ...
CULTURE | Welcome to the Rock Paper Scissors world championships! Yes! This contest exists. See my previous piece on this “sporting event” here. GAMES | I let you down, Vancouver. ...