BOOKS | Scrappy little nobody review | Anna Kendrick, Simon and Schuster, 2016. Who the fuck is Anna Kendrick? I’m pushing 40, so when I picked up this book at the thrift store, I had no ...
RETRO TV | Clair Huxtable is the best. She’s the TV mom who taught me the most. Our faves are problematic. I know that, but it’s been a hard pill to swallow. Re-examining my love for ...
MY SO-CALLED MEMORIES | In rewatches begin responsibilities? Maybe. Regardless, rewatching My So-Called Life gutted me. There was just something about My So-Called Life (MSCL). After its premiere ...
MUSIC & MEMORY | Revisiting “August and Everything After”. I first heard Counting Crows on the radio in the spring of 1994. I was wearing one of my Dad’s oversized burgundy dress ...
LIVING | Confession: I have never – not once – come across a thrift store, yard sale, flea market, or so-called “junk” pile that didn’t contain at least one thing I’ve ...
OPINION | I hate millennials. Not all millennials, just those I’ve had the misfortune to know. I’m only half kidding when I say I hate millenials. (Three quarters kidding? 10 percent ...
LIVING | Listen, perfection is overrated. When it comes to decorating, homemaking, and the domestic arts, I make a lot of mistakes. This is awkward because as a semi-hermit with ...
BABY | Elizabeth Murray was born on a Sunday. She came into the world just after six am, weighing around six and a half pounds. And at this very moment, she is nearing six months old. (Now we are ...
REIVEW | Sloane Crosley’s The Clasp | Picador. Sloane Crosley’s The Clasp is a novel. This may surprise you, since Crosley is famous for her essays. The Clasp is also the first thing ...
PREGNANCY | Hey yo. So let’s start right off with the good stuff: I’m officially 35 weeks along and my evil spawn continues to marinate. After the whole saga with being hospitalized, ...
BLOG | It’s my birthday. I am 35 years old today. Jen Selk is 35. THE BLOG IS TEN. Believe it! We are both sailing into our twilight years, Internet people. We are riding the ...
BODY POLITICS | What’s the first thing you noticed? This is how fat I am. Or rather, this is how fat I was three years ago, on my wedding day. I’ve been both significantly smaller and ...