DESIGN TOME | The New Bohemians book review | Justina Blakeney | Abrams Books. I wanted to like The New Bohemians a lot more than I did. Look, Justina Blakeney is great. Her aesthetic is great. ...
Let’s go Rome! For those of you who don’t know, I am off to England and Italy tomorrow for three weeks of social and quasi-religious fulfilment. (Read: seeing friends, drinking cider, and buying ...
First off, a note to the slowpokes: the Weekly Scoop story mentioned in my last post has already been replaced by the current week’s issue, so you missed the boat. HOWEVER, I will probably post a ...
Another one of my Weekly Scoop stories hit newsstands this week. It’s about Paris Hilton and how she’s, like, so totally over, you know? The issue is dated Feb. 6, 2006 and features the ...
Working at ION is a kick so far. These pieces aren’t my best work, but now that I have some freelancers on board to do the heavy lifting, this whole editor bag should only get better. Epiphany: ...
So as usual, I’m not getting on board on the ground floor, but at least I’m in the loop. In the space of 2 hours, I received three emails AND read a blog post all singing the praises of the Sony ...
Considering my job (and maybe for all writers), it’s extremely bizarre to experience a week in which you are both prolific and totally unproductive at the very same time. I spent the past few ...
Well, colour me surprised. Whereas most of my blog entries go relatively unnoticed (and certainly un-commented on), yesterday’s ridiculous rant caused an absolute avalanche of commentary. I’ve ...
Get ready for this mo-fo. She’s a big’un. Why I Hate The Internet: Okay, so I don’t hate the Internet. I love the Internet. I love the stupid Internet way too much, which, if you’ve ...
Well, I’m back from my week in Mexico. Am tanned, though I didn’t mean to be. Am spending the day welcoming in 2006, but last night was low key. I didn’t make any resolutions. Didn’t even ...
Wise words from Hermey the Dentist Elf. Personally, I was a much bigger fan of Bumbles the Abominable Snow Monster, but I always root for the underdog. What can I say? I’ve been sick. ...
Have been felled by the most horrible, disgusting cold/flu ever. Seriously. It got bad on Friday afternoon and hasn’t let up since. Stupid germs. Stupid flu. Stupid Jen (too stupid to get a flu ...